Mclumi Homepage

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Mclumi is a toolkit developed by adopting Markov clustering (MCL) network-based algorithms for precisely localizing unique UMIs that thus correct UMI errors. Mclumi is a Python implementation based on object-oriented programming (OOP) with interaction between modules through objects. It provides a collection of modules, including 4 main modules, dedup_basic, dedup_pos, dedup_gene, and dedup_sc_ and 1 addition module trim. Please see details here. For UMI deduplication, each main module includes 7 algorithms unique, cluster, adjacency, directional, mcl, mcl_ed, and mcl_val that take as input a bam file and output a deduplicated bam file and another 2 summary files. Every module in Mclumi can be run internally (Python inline) or externally (CLI).

 __  __  ____ _    _   _ __  __ ___   _____           _ _    _ _
|  \/  |/ ___| |  | | | |  \/  |_ _| |_   _|__   ___ | | | _(_) |_
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  • Clustering based on edit distance

  • Flexible and extendable

    • Dispering: increase the number of subcomponents

    • Shrinking: decrease the number of subcomponents

    • Parameterized control

  • More accurate for quantification esimate of molecules


[v0.0.4] Adding documentation to Mclumi.

[v0.0.3] A stable version of Mclumi.

[v0.0.2] Codes linked to readthedocs.

[v0.0.2] A test version of Mclumi.


Jianfeng Sun, NDORMS, at the University of Oxford

Adam Cribbs, NDORMS, at the University of Oxford

Indices and tables